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Optimise Ghost and nginx
··5 mins
This is a step by step guide on how to optimise Ghost and nginx. This guide is part of the Deploy Ghost series and is split into three parts - Deploying, Securing, and Optimising. This is part three and once we’re done, we will have nginx and our Ghost blog optimised to serve content quickly and reduce the server load in the process.
Secure Ghost with nginx and Let's Encrypt
·6 mins
This is a step by step guide on how to secure Ghost with nginx and Let’s Encrypt. This guide is part of the Deploy Ghost series and is split into three parts - Deploying, Securing, and Optimising. This is part two and once we’re done, we will have our Ghost blog running over HTTPS, with a good TLS and security header setup.
Deploy Ghost on Debian with nginx and PM2
·7 mins
With the release of Ghost 1.0, this guide is now deprecated. Please check out the official documentation on how to install the latest version. This is a step by step guide on how to deploy Ghost on Debian (Jessie) using nginx as a reverse-proxy, and PM2 as our Node.js process manager.